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After 40 years of adjusting spines, Dr. Jeffers is even more passionate about delivering the very best chiropractic care to her patients than when she began this journey as a young horsewoman in Lexington, Kentucky. After several years of wrestling with young horses, she had had just one too many back injuries and surgery was imminent. A friend dragged her, “kicking and screaming”, to her Chiropractor. Within two weeks she was back to work with NO pain. Not only did she feel the best she had felt since childhood, but she had found her passion. Chiropractic.

Dr. Jeffers did her undergraduate studies at the University of Kentucky before matriculating to Logan Chiropractic University in St. Louis,MO. She graduated magna cum laude and salutatorian of her class in December of 1982.

She practiced in Canton and Cuyahoga Falls, OH for nearly 14 years before finding her Hilton Head “paradise”. She fell in love with the island while visiting a friend in 1995 and by 1997 had sold everything she owned in Ohio, moved to Hilton Head and started a new practice.

Over the past decades, Dr. Jeffers has compiled a unique combination of techniques that allow her to work WITH the body to effect the change you need. Her combination of manual and instrument adjusting is both thorough and very effective in treating or correcting most structural distortions of the spine and extremities. Her gentle, caring approach makes a trip to her office a uniquely pleasant experience.

(Please see the Services and Techniques section of this site for a more thorough explanation of the treatment techniques she employs.)

The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.
— Thomas Edison
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When not adjusting spines, Dr Jeffers can often be found around the woods and beaches, camera in hand, attempting to capture the beauty of our island paradise.